Have you ever waded through the clutter on the floor of a store? Trust me -- that clutter did NOT get there by store personnel; it is NOT the store's display.
Today, I ventured into a few stores in search of boys size 14 clothing (not jeans and t-shirts). First of all, there were masses of people to side-step and wait upon while they took their sweet time looking at things. Eventually, when I DID make it down a sort of clear aisle, there were things lying on the floor knocked off by shoppers -- belts, bras, toys, whatever, and I said to myself, "Some people are plain pigs."
Yesterday I took a gamble on the throngs on people awake at 6 a.m. and went to a Friday-only sale. There were about 25 of us standing in line when the doors opened. Within 2 minutes of entering (and I was still standing outside), some lady had about 6 items on the floor in search of the best item on the shelf. This is SO, SO, SO very rude! There is a saying that the customer is always right, but this type of behavior is SO VERY CONTRARY to that saying.
I recalled my early days of Christmas shopping and remembered that there were never items strewn across the floor of any store. "So is this a generational difference," I first asked? Nope, the lady who had several items pulled out was older than me. So what is it? Upbringing? (should I dare ask -- cultural?)
Fortunately for the stores, my upbringing taught me how to help. (Ok, the bras on the floor were a little bit out of my league. Rudolf's red nose would have nothing on my blushing countenance.)
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