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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dead heading

     I think that's the term my wife uses when she snips or pinches off the old blossoms of her mums.  This, in theory (at least in our house), facilitates new growth because the nutrients are redirected to new budding.  In line with this whole pruning theme, I began to ponder on what might need to be pruned/pinched/dead-headed in my life.
     Would you believe it:  technology!  I'm really struggling here.  I'm like a kid in a candy store when it comes to technology and all the neat gadgets and Web 2.0 tools.  Which one do I want or need?  Should I become an expert in one or two areas?  or what?  In several workshops and trainings I have attended, these applications, etc. have been referred to as "tools" -- "technology is a tool" to use in the classroom.  DUDE!  One can only have so many tools in the toolbox, and of those tools, most won't get used.  This is the dilemma?  Which ones do I disregard?  They are all useful at one time or another, but I'm not that proficient at using certain tools.  Do I start practicing on them (like blogging and webpages) or concentrate on others?  I'm so confused!
     Perhaps I deadhead/prune later.


  1. nice title and nice intro interested in seeing how it progresses..

  2. Interesting question. I like the analogy, especially at this time of year in the garden.

    In our district, we "prune" according to what will move us most speedily across the rubrics developed by ISTE for teachers (NETS-T). These tend to be "projects" that engage students in learning from distant experts or other classes with which to collaborate... AND (not OR)... those projects that provide our students places to "post" or publish their learning, especially if it allows them to get feedback from a wider, authentic audience.

  3. Perhaps that's a great place to start in my weeding and pruning. Thank you!

  4. I can relate. Many of the web applications that are available overlap, so I try to find the one that is best for me. I stick with it, until it dies or I find a better alternative.
    Most times, I bookmark to Diigo or Delicious and go back through the tag groups later.
    These are a few of the methods that I use to tackle this issue.

  5. I can totally relate. Sometimes I feel my constantly trying to keep up with technology is keeping me from what I am really supposed to be doing.

  6. Just play with your toys! Begin with the end in mind. For each day what do you want to do. For example, I read something everyday. I take pictures everyday. I use a computer everyday. I pray everyday also. Remember when as kids, we had hot wheels? the little cool think-out-side-of-the-box car designs? Now go to any car club or car show and you will see those designs come to life. Same thing with technology. We started off with a computer the size of a warehouse that could barely add two digit numbers. Now we can track a rover on the planet Mars and map out chemical and nuclear reactions from an iphone.
    As a kid did you play with the same toy everyday, or did you play with a different toy once in awhile? MrK, go play with your toys.
