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Thursday, June 24, 2010

To Handle a Hummingbird

Have you ever attempted to catch one of these swift, little birds?  I haven't, but I did get to handle one.  Glenna and I were resting and relaxing this week at a cabin in the Sacremento Mountains in southern New Mexico.  It is in a lovely setting surrounded by very tall pines built far away from the road (but close enough to see it through the boughs of the trees).

My mornings were early - around 6 - which made me a bit sleepy by mid-afternoon.  Well, on Wednesday afternoon my lap didn't last that long, even after reading the first five chapters of a new book (another blog).  So I started playing games on my laptop to bide some time before fixing supper.  It was a few games of Solitaire later that Glenna exclaimed that a hummingbird was inside the cabin and stuck at the window.  This was cool!  Not a bee or a moth as in previous hours, but a hummingbird inside that needed my attention. My strategy was simple:  get a broom and gently nudge/guide it toward the door.  Poor bird!  The bristles on that broom were not very smooth or soft and were getting caught on the wing.  NOT a good thing!  So after a few attempts to soften the broom's approach, I gave up on that strategy and thought of a new one:  Carefully catch the bird with my hand.  The first two tries were unsuccessful since I was afraid to break its delicate wings. Dummie me - I was trying to catch it with one hand.

The bird was tiring which was to my advantage. With both hands slowly moving from both sides of the bird, I gently scooped it into my palms and closed them to avoid escape, walked to the sliding glass door that led to the cabin's balcony, and opened my hands.  Praise God!  That bird took off!!!!  Too bad the camera wasn't poised for that adventure and experience.

For a moment I understood the power, yet loving gentleness, of the Almighty God.  When my choices in life consequently detours my path, He very gently attempts to guide me with His broom, and when I don't clearly see His guidance, I know He gently scoops me into His hands and places me where I should be.